Cookie Policy

Last modified: September 13, 2024


This information is provided for the website (Website) owned by Wiralex Srl, registered office Via Crespi, 25 Albino (BG), registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo with VAT no. 04108630163; share capital of Euro 27,030.61 fully paid up. (Data Controller), which acts as Data Controller pursuant to Regulation (EU) 679/2016 on the protection of personal data.

What cookies are and what they are used for

A cookie is a text file that a website visited by the user sends to his terminal  (computer, mobile device such as smartphone or tablet), where it is stored and then transmitted to that site during a subsequent visit to the same site.

Cookies are distinguished:
• on the basis of the entity that installs them, depending on whether it is the same operator of the site visited (so-called “first-party cookies”) or a different entity (so-called “third-party cookies”);
• according to the purpose of each cookie: some cookies allow better navigation, storing some of the user’s choices, for example the language (so-called “technical cookies”), other cookies allow monitoring the user’s navigation also in order to send advertising and/or offer services in line with his/her preferences (so-called “profiling cookies”).
Only profiling cookies require the user’s prior consent to their use.
The Site uses first-party technical and profiling cookies as well as third-party profiling cookies.
The Data Controller is only responsible for the first-party cookies it has installed on the Site.

How to give consent to profiling cookies

On your first visit to the Site, you may accept all cookies by performing one of the following actions
• clicking the”OK, I understand” button on the banner itself.
On subsequent visits to the Site, you can access the extended information via the “Cookie Policy” link on the Site and refuse to consent to the installation of first-party and/or third-party profiling cookies.
In any case, you can express your consent to the release of cookies through your browser settings. The procedure to be followed to configure the relevant settings is as follows:
Internet Explorer
You shall click this link:
Google Chrome
You shall click this link:
You shall click this link:
Mozilla Firefox
You shall click this link:
You shall click this link:

In case of devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc., we ask you to verify that each browser on each device is set to allow you to express your preferences regarding cookies. You can also set third-parties cookies accessing to the website (the system operates with reference to the companies participating in the website).

Cookies set by the Website

Technical cookies that do not require the user’s prior consent:

  • Session cookies that guarantee normal use of the Site (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access restricted areas).
    Duration: Internet browsing time
  • This cookie records the user’s consent through the performance of one of the actions described in the short banner/information. It recognizes the user at the second access to the Web site so as not to require again the consent to the installation ofcookies.
    Duration: No more  than 12 months
  • This cookie allows the user to navigate on the Web site while maintaining the choices made (eg: the language chosen).
    Duration: No more  than 12 months

Statistical and Analytics Cookies
The Website uses third-party cookies, even in unbundled form,for statistical and analytical purposes.

Supplier: Google
Purpose: Measurement ofsitevisitsandpurchasesmadeforanalysis purposes.
Privacy Policy:
Consent Form: lpage/gaoptout

Marketing Profiling Cookies
The Data Controller uses advertising profiling cookies to deliver advertising based on the interests expressed by the user through internet browsing.

Supplier: Double click Inc.
Purpose: Double click’s cookies improve advertising. Some common uses of cookies include choosing the advertising target based on what is relevant to auser, improving campaign performance reports,and the ability to avoid showing ads that the user has already seen.
Privacy Policy: m/?hl=it
Consent Form: om/authenticated?hl=en

Supplier: Facebook, Inc.
Purpose: Facebook installs cookies to study and improve advertising, including remarketing actions, in order to send the user messages in line with their interests.
Privacy Policy:
Consent Form: Consent form not available. You can use your browser settings to exercise your options on this cookie.

Supplier: Google, Inc.
Purpose: It publishes on the site advertisements related to the interests of the user.
Privacy Policy: m/privacy
Consent Form: om/authenticated?hl=en

Supplier: LinkedIn Corporation
Purpose: Enables the provision of services related to the platform operated by LinkedIn.
Privacy Policy: policy?trk=hb_ft_priv
Consent Form: Consent form not available. You can use your browser settings to exercise your options on this cookie.

Further Information

With reference to the cookies installed by the Site weinform you that: 
• the data are collected exclusively for the purposes indicated in this policy;
• technical cookies do not require the user’s prior consent as they are necessary for the operation of the Site. Removing these technical cookies may adversely affect the navigation of the Site;
• the data collected by first-party cookies may be communicated to parties acting on behalf of the Data Controller in their capacity as Data Processors pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 on the protection of personal data (GDPR) and as described in the privacy policy you can view by clicking on the following link “Privacy Policy” on the Site.
With particular regard to the “profiling”cookies of the Data Controller, please note that their deactivation does not make it impossible to navigate within the Site.

With reference to third party cookies, the purposes of such cookies,the logic underlying their processing and the management of user preferences are not determined and/or verified by the Data Controller but by the third party providing them. However, irrespective of the fact that the Controller considers that the user has validly expressed his/her consent to the installation of cookies, including third party cookies, the Controller provides support to users who require to know how to exercise their consent/selective refusal or delete cookies from their browser.